Pruitt public safety forcing his drivers
Pruitt public safety forcing his drivers

pruitt public safety forcing his drivers

Thank goodness media conservatives, whose very existence leftists lament every day, are on the case.

pruitt public safety forcing his drivers

The left is blowing a lot of smoke about alleged improprieties with Pruitt's travel expenses. The energy they are expending on this should tell you how important progressives view unelected, unaccountable administrative agencies in implementing their draconian regulations, which have been choking our individual liberties and wreaking havoc on our economy. More: Limbaugh: Authoritarianism for me but not for thee Leftist activists and their media co-pilots are hellbent on disgracing Pruitt and destroying his reputation to effect his removal, so they are throwing all kinds of phony scandals against the wall of public opinion to pressure the White House to give them Pruitt's head.

Pruitt public safety forcing his drivers